Elysian (2024)
You think I am not looking, but I see, I look away but I see the world. Seven birds encircle the new Earth, poised for landing to plant new seeds. The new day to heal and harmony. To reiterate a shared destiny on our planet, I sculpt intertwined human figures and nature on a sphere representing the Earth. It reflects a vision of universal Newruz, fostering healing and rebirth when human actions align with the natural rhythms of trees and oceans. Seven birds from seven heavens have a symbol I made referencing the Persian New Year's Haft-Seen. The Haft-Seen table signifies health and renewal, with each character representing growth, health, beauty, wealth, eternity, the onset of spring, and life.
Series : Freedom
Exhibited at : Facts of Matter 2024, Linden New art st Kilda
